【H30改訂版】英表Ⅱ Vision Quest English ExpressionⅡ Ace 啓林館(322) Part2 Lesson6 解答
Part2 Lesson 6 Practice
→ 教科書 p.82
1. media violence
2. There is a long-standing controversy over mediaviolence.
3. Many experts say that television, movies, music and other entertainment media present too many images of violence and death.
Many writers and artists argue that not all media violence is harmful and worthless.
あるいは They point out that violence can be used effectively in violent or war dramas in order to show how horrible and senseless it is.(あるいは 2 文とも書いてもよい)
4. To conclude, it is difficult to distinguish between harmful violence and meaningful violence in the media, and this is a main issue in the debate over media violence.
5. 要約例
There is a long-standing controversy over media violence. Many experts say that the media present too many images of violence and death. On the other hand,
many writers and artists argue that not all media violence is harmful and worthless.
Thus, how to distinguish between harmful violence and meaningful violence is a main issue in the debate over media violence. (60 語)
6. 解答例
It is worrying that young people today are exposed to so much violence and death represented in entertainment media. However,
I agree with the latter opinion in the article. For example, war movies have many horrible and cruel scenes, but those scenes are necessary in order to make their point.
The scenes are intended to implant the horror of war in the minds of viewers.
Without them, the movies would lack reality and could not tell the viewers how senseless and meaningless war is.
Therefore, I think that some media productions need violent and horrible scenes. (96 語)
1. パラグラフ全体にわたって複数回出てくるmedia violence(メディアにおける暴力)がキーワード。
2. 主題文は,冒頭の「メディアにおける暴力については長期にわたる論争がある」で,キーワード(メディアにおける暴力)も含まれている。
3. 左段最終行の on the other hand(一方で)というつなぎの言葉に注目する。これは,対比を表すつなぎの言葉で,支持文ではこの前後で相反する意見が書かれている。
前半の意見は,2文目の Many expertssay that …(メディアには暴力や死が多すぎる),
後半の意見は many writers and artists argue that…(メディアのすべての暴力が有害で価値がないわけではない)や
They point out that …(暴力は,いかにそれが恐ろしく無意味なものかを示すために,メディアで効果的に使われ得る)。これらをそのまま抜き出すか,自分の言葉で言いかえる。
4. 結論文は最後の文。To conclude(結論として)というつなぎの言葉がポイント。
5. 語数制限があるので,1.~4.を語句の言いかえや削除などでコンパクトにまとめる。
6. 記事の英語表現を適宜使うと書きやすい。最初に2つの対立する意見のうち,どちらに同意するかを明らかにし,その根拠を述べていくとよい。